Monday, April 5, 2010

"1 Firefighter-SKYRUN "in the Rhine Tower

Dusseldorf - 150 Fire brigade teams from across Germany struggled on Sunday as high as the sky striker Rheinturm over 960 stairs 180 meters.
The 1 Düsseldorf "SKYRUN". The big question: Which team with 25 kilos of luggage on his back breathing it creates the fastest to the top?
It was a torture track and a boundless cruelty, a hot race to exhaustion. Bastian Oehl (24) from Albersloh described it as: "After 60 steps you already realize anything, and at the top you have only concrete blocks on his feet."
All were running against time, had to remain under nine minutes, as the Düsseldorf team Barzen / Hansen had submitted early legendary 8:56 minutes. On the stairs paramedics were stationed and ready to intervene immediately, if one would wilt.
The sweat flowed freely, the hearts beat somersault. Many gasped. They sank down exhausted, tore down the jackets and oxygen bottles.
Rainer Dux (37) from Langenfeld, "A miserable slog, but it was fun. I could even start running smoothly again. "The initiator of the torture, Rolf Schliewe of the Dusseldorf Fire Brigade Sport Association, countered:" Do not go. Once is enough! "For the hard work the teams had to pay almost all federal states also 15 euro entry fee. Christoph Puetz (48): "But that's our business." Among the climber, two women and seven pure mix teams were. Traditional names of the gangs as "stair breaker" or "fighting stallions.
Fire Department spokesman Heinz Engels: "As a regular pedestrian you almost need an hour to hochzukommen. By 18 clock yesterday stood down the fastest team: Max Friedrich and Ralf Krüger from Coesfeld arrived at 7:48 minutes. 2nd place went to A. Nicolai / M. Hansen from Cologne (8:31). 3rd place occupied the Dusseldorf Ingo Hansen and Thomas Barzen (8:56).