Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Althaus chosen as top candidates

Waltershausen - He is responsible for the death of 41-year-old Beata C., was convicted of manslaughter to a fine of 33,000 euros (EXPRESS.DE reported>). Many had doubted the return of Dieter Althaus into the political business. But now he is back.
The Assembly of Delegates of the CDU has named the Thuringian Minister President Dieter Althaus the leading candidate. He received 94.6 percent of the vote. Althaus himself was not present.
He was informed by telephone of the outcome, said by text message: "The election is right and an obligation." He would work together with the party for being a stop red-red alliance.
In a statement read out Althaus said: "undertake the encouragement and the support after this tragic accident, but my recovery progress I was especially ordered not to. After this deep cut, I see my life in a different light. This event will be with me forever .
He wrote: "All I would give reason to undo the tragic disaster. My thoughts and prayers are with the family C."
 All paid for Althaus-skiing accident: Do Althaus million in damages? > Massive criticism of lightning sentence against Althaus> Dieter Althaus Fined> Althaus accident was due to driver error> Doctors: Althaus is fully recovered>