Wednesday, March 24, 2010

From gourmet-lock ...

"Mr. Miller is my role model. Even in the doctrine, it was my goal, to cook together with Dieter Müller ", explains Nils Henkel at Castle Lerbach. His dream has been fulfilled the 40 - year-old chef.
Since 1997 he works on the pots of the star chef - and not only that, last year gave the chef Dieter Müller in Kiel, even the chef hat and spoon. Large footsteps, has entered into the Nile because Henkel: "It already weighs a lot of pressure on one. As a cook, you want to present its guests every day excellence. "
No problem for the chef: This year was the gourmet restaurant three stars again, as only about 70 other restaurants worldwide. "But this is a performance by the entire kitchen and service team," said Henkel. But he has learned a lot from the great role model, Dieter Müller, shows a further distinction: Nils Henkel has been the Gault Millau "Chef of the Year 2009".
Private Kiel prefer to eat pasta and cook at home very happy. If he is not in the kitchen, goes jogging Nils Henkel: "Here they come with the best ideas for new dishes, which I can then try in the kitchen." Approximately six new dishes created by the chef each month. From XXL-Schnitzel trend of the star chef does not hold much: "My dear little more money to spend on good quality, as a little money for a lot of weight."
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