Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why Bonner electricity is so expensive?

Bonn --
In the electricity market is being fought with no holds barred. And the Stadtwerke Bonn will see is not at all well. Lots of vendors tempt you with much lower prices.
To make matters worse, the SWB have 1 January, yet the so-called EEG surcharge passed on to customers. But the price of a family 34 euros more per year.
Comparison to the website When Stromio can be a single household (1500 kWh) per year compared with nearly 140 SWB save power, a family with a consumption of 4,000 kilowatt-hours at Mainova (Stadtwerke Frankfurt) 192, at FlexStrom even slightly higher than 300 euros .
Why is SWB electricity so expensive? Spokesperson Werner shui to attempts to explain: "Since not all of the necessary electricity itself can be produced, we buy electricity." And this is more expensive than homemade.
Moreover, not all networks are the SWB. Shui: "The networks are owned by RWE Beuel and Godesberg, for that we pay a usage fee."
No wonder that other smell electricity because their chance in Bonn. The Frankfurt Mainova AG has supplied more than 1,000 customers by the end of 2012 it will be 3000.
Group spokesman Alexander Zell: "Bonn is very attractive for us, because little competition and the Bonn after our experience are very wechselbereit. It seems some need to be present, which we naturally want to cover you. "
The willingness to change the Bonn to feel the SWB. "Last year, the rate was around ten percent," admits shui. SWB makes 20,000 fewer people, today there are 180,000.
A development that is also the tenants' Bonn / Rhein-Sieg / Ahrweiler worried: "If more and more customers are canceling contracts with utility companies, the financial situation of utilities always ailing," warns chairman Bernhard von Grünberg. The fear: the loss of jobs and a takeover of the Bonn municipal utilities.
But how to argue the SWB? "We are expanding our plant for 80 million euros in the Charles Street," says Shui. "In addition, we participate in new power plants. We are producing well on the way, most of the required energy in Bonn on your own. "
Schuis argument against a change: The SWB planned long-term price jumps for other providers threatened.
You can compare electricity prices, moreover, under / strom