Thursday, May 27, 2010

Breeding bull rushes while having sex in manure pit

Schwalmtal - breeding bull Jack is the master of 60 cattle on the farm of Ken Landis in Schwalmtal.
But now it was his call to destiny: In the fall mating the 800-pound giant and his "queen of hearts" on a metal plate that covers the entrance to the manure pit.
The plate slipped, the cow runs - and Jack slips by 50 by 100 centimeters wide hole in the ground. Desperately trying to Hermes and a few helpers to keep Jack - in vain!
 To clock 20.34 is one of the emergency call at the fire department. 1.80 meters deep the manure pit, 1.40 m of which are full of stinking manure. Jack desperately holding their noses at the foul liquid. By the fire service he receives air from the bottle, helper fan air into the pit.
 Then the first salvage attempt: Guards in angler pants and climb with breathing through the second entrance into the pit, try Jack anzugurten. The veterinarian uses a syringe with a sedative.
The colossus is in the belt - it's up, first the nose, then the whole head - then the shock: Jack slips out of the straps!
Once seat belt, much more thoroughly. To clock 22.58, the next attempt. Four minutes later, also failed the. "Following up, the break it," exclaims Hermes farmer desperately.
And here comes Jack. Only the head with his front legs, then the rest around 23.09 clock he is next to the hole. First, he shrugs just tired of the ear. Then he gets up and staggers towards the pasture. 23.18 clock.
And then marvel at the Saviour: Jack remembers surprisingly fast on his appointment and bring to an end, what it had prevented his fall-manure ...

Friday, May 21, 2010

"We kill them with a crossbow"

Brussels - Belgium fearing for the safety of his queen.
Less than four weeks after the assassination attempt on the Dutch Queen Beatrix (71) threatened a terrorist group, the Belgian regent Fabiola (80).
"We kill them with a crossbow," it says in a letter that has put security forces on high alert.
The perfidy: The anonymous sender name has a date for their planned attack. On the day of Belgian independence, 21 July will die Queen Fabiola. This day is celebrated by the Belgians, like its neighbors in the Netherlands on 30 April their Queen, which ended in a bloodbath this year with seven deaths.
After this assassination attempt by the Amokfahrer Karst Richard T. († 38), the Belgians had tightened the security arrangements for their royal family. "Now additional steps will be prepared," said Andre Vandoren, spokesman for the Belgian anti-terrorist unit.
Nor can decide Interior Minister Guido de PADT not to cancel the military parade and the family in Brussels. The preparations for the Independence Day party in the country continue to run at first.
But up close to the population Queen Fabiola will probably not go as long as the sender of the letter have not yet taken. With high pressure, the investigators determine at present, to whom the fingerprints belong on the cover of the letter that was sent to a newspaper.
In the written on a typewriter text says, Fabiola was "unworthy of a queen. From the Affair in a former wine cellar in Belgrade with the Yugoslav leader Tito there is also mentioned.
Fabiola is the widow of King Baudouin died in 1993. Head of state since King Albert II, Fabiola but officially retained the title Queen. simple Queen Fabiola of Belgium is one of the favorites - because of their lifestyle and because it mediates between the ethnic groups Flemings and Walloons.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

50 Punker made Zoff

Bonn - Chaos Days - the name was program! After the special screening of the film in the same punk new movie theater Beuel 50 drunken punks riot ensured.
They blocked buses, trains, were aggressive and harassing residents. There were skirmishes with the police. A Punk (19 attack), even at an official.
 For the film, which was only for a day in the program of the New movie theater, were 127 spectators. Almost all punks, some come all. The date in Beuel circulating on several websites.
The situation escalated after the end of film against 23 clock. About 50 punks from Leverkusen sat on the Friedrich-Breuer-Strasse, buses and trams blocked the road.
Many punks was totally drunk, beer glass tens Chen went to break. For this they turned their music in full. "In the movie itself is nothing happened," said CEO Dieter Hertel movie theaters. But outside, the mood became more aggressive.
Residents had alerted the police. Officials then blocked the road, asked the drunk to leave. The refused. There were arguments. It attacked a young punk (19) a police officer. Meanwhile, the control center further patrol car from Bonn and Siegburg was ordered to Beuel.
The situation calmed down slowly. Against the 19-year-old was sent off and display shall be granted. At 0.20 clock in Leverkusen finally left the road and went to Central Station. There they boarded the train to Cologne.
"The police asked me if I show the film again," says film boss Hertel. He could calm them down ...
Already at the premiere of "chaos days" in October 2008 in Hannover, 200 punks a street battle with police. Template for the film was a Punkertreffen in Hanover, which came in 1995 with violent riots to dubious fame.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Rottweiler attacks six years old

Siegburg - evil biting attacks on the small Hacer (6). The girl played on the causeway when the neighbor's Rottweiler dog suddenly went off on them - and it bit into his arm!
With big eyes Hacer shows her bandaged arm. "Does it hurt yet," she says softly. The whole night she could not sleep for fear that the next day did not dare leave the house.
For: Rottweiler bitch "Lisa" lives on with her master only a few houses. Unbelievable: The holder (44) had not bothered after the attack to the seriously injured and screaming child! This is confirmed by police spokesman Mark Grommes: "He brought the animal into his apartment and then drove away with his car."
Meanwhile, alerted neighbors hacerse Mother: Your child is injured and is bleeding all over doll! Meryem Acegöz did not take the time to put on their shoes and ran his socks down the street and took her weeping daughter in his arms. "Your jacket, her sweater - everything was full of blood," she says. The mother called the pediatrician. Who immediately ordered: Hacer be in the Children's Hospital! There, the bite of the basic student was sewn.
The police could identify the Rottweiler owners shortly thereafter. Grommes: "He claimed to have noticed by the whole incident." Through the Public Order has been issued to accommodate the dog in the shelter Troisdorf. Investigation into Lisa's ruling regarding an infringement of national law dog run. Police and prosecutors heralded for negligent injury and failure to assist a criminal investigation.
Neighbors of the dog owner's fight on his side. "Many children in the street have tormented the dog with sticks and stones," says a man otherwise was "Lisa" (18 months) not a bad animal, they say.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mysterious BKA use in Ostviertel

Aachen - Giant excitement in Aachen Ostviertel. It's Tuesday afternoon, knowing that passersby on the street to the bus stop Alsace Adalbertsteinweg anything bad when they suddenly are in the midst an action film.
Sedans with flashing blue light up board, you have characteristics from Bonn, Cologne and Siegburg. BKA officials and police officers with a vest to jump out of their cars to run, screaming, blocking passers-by the road.
Then suddenly a man lying on the floor, handcuffed, blindfolded and kept in check by three police officers. He is led away, placed in one of the sedans.
Within a few seconds, the roar of car back and it's quiet again - as if nothing had happened.
But what happened? The research of the "Aachener Zeitung" has produced: The police know nothing. The BKA can not say anything. Only the prosecutor can elicit something Duisburg: "At the trial it comes to drug trafficking." That was all he said. Obviously, a big fish ...